Hey, I have a question about the Wizards magic. On the Sanctum Sanctorum move it says:

Hey, I have a question about the Wizards magic. On the Sanctum Sanctorum move it says:

Hey, I have a question about the Wizards magic. On the Sanctum Sanctorum move it says:

“When you go to your Sanctum for a spell ingredient, relic, or tome, roll with Spirit…”

In the spells specified in the top left corner of the playbook though the only spells that require an ingredient need a sample from the targeted person. I guess you’ll hardly find that in you Sanctum. Does that mean the Wizard can cast spells that are not in that list? I find no clues in the rulebook on how a Wizard would use other forms of magic, or even tome and relic reliant magic.

5 thoughts on “Hey, I have a question about the Wizards magic. On the Sanctum Sanctorum move it says:”

  1. The Santcum move does what it says — the Wizard can go in there looking for stuff and find it. Just about anything, so long as it fits the wizard’s theme.

    And the spells aren’t the only magic the wizard does: When you go into your sanctum to work on something, the MC tells you what it will take to complete your task, as if your Sanctum was a mystical Workspace.

    That is, the wizard can do just about anything in the sanctum, but it’ll cost ’em.

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