Hero Name: Pipeline

Hero Name: Pipeline

Hero Name: Pipeline

Playbook: The Transformed

Real Name: Thomas Caballero

Look: Hispanic teenage boy with body made entirely of transparent water.

Abilities: Transmuting Flesh and Hydrokinesis

Labels – After the end of the last session.

Freak +2

Danger +1

Savior +2

Superior 0

Mundane -2

Transformed Moves

I am not my body

Unstoppable – Things get broken and very wet.

Wish I could be


Thomas Ignacio Caballero is a mutant. His father, Diego, worked on a research project at Atomo Labs. The project involved dangerous isotopes that would hopefully be used to produce efficient nucleardriven engines. Unknown to Thomas’ father, these isotopes would cause his son to be a mutant, and cause his early death.

Diego died when Thomas was only 12 years old. Thomas could not handle his father’s death, and started to rebel. He took in with several street gangs as way to get out of the house. At the age of 14, Thomas’ mutant powers started to manifest themselves. At first, Thomas would wake up soaking wet. Soon, he noticed that his skin was becoming clear, and that he quickly became dehydrated. The other members of his gang turned against Thomas, and threw him out when they saw his skin changing. In a fit of rage, Thomas sent the gang leader 30 feet in the air with a jet of high-pressure water! Thomas had nowhere to turn, so he returned home.

Thomas’ mother, Maria, took in her son, and has gained back his respect and love. The two have made a pact that they will do anything in their power to make sure these strange mutant powers do not prevent Thomas from making a normal life for himself. Thomas is currently a model student at Halcyon High School, and plans to take the accelerated placement exam for Chemistry and Computer Science.