This friday I’ll be running another oneshot of the sprawl, and we’re looking for two more players!

This friday I’ll be running another oneshot of the sprawl, and we’re looking for two more players!

This friday I’ll be running another oneshot of the sprawl, and we’re looking for two more players! The time is going to be at 18:00 GMT+1! Anyone is welcome to join!

Here is the link to the roll20 listing with slightly more information!

I hope to see some of you there!

4 thoughts on “This friday I’ll be running another oneshot of the sprawl, and we’re looking for two more players!”

  1. Tempting! as I am off work all day tomorrow. I have played a Sprawl one-shot on Roll20 before which went smoothly, although the GM did not proceed to make a campaign out of it like he thought he would. Make sure your campaign is set up to use a dedicated Sprawl character sheet, and the dice-roll buttons are conveniently on this sheet.

    I replied over on Roll20. Consider adding me if you’re not full-up. Maybe you should have no more than 4 players if you are a new GM.

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