Tuunbaq(Inspired by the Dan Simmons novel The Terror)

Tuunbaq(Inspired by the Dan Simmons novel The Terror)

Tuunbaq(Inspired by the Dan Simmons novel The Terror)

Description: Polar Bear with long neck

Type: Destroyer

Power: Consumes Souls (killed players may not be restored)

Weakness: The Tuunbaq can be pacified by the throat singing of a sixam ieua (special Inuit shaman), rendering it as close to docile as it can be made. May only be killed by weapons blessed by a sixam ieua.

Attack: Bite 5-Harm

Harm Capacity: 12


The Tuunbaq is a Inuit Demon, a devourer of souls and eater of flesh in the frozen wastes. The Tuunbaq is encountered as a large polar bear with an extended if not elongated neck, and is impervious to non-magical weapons.

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