I just heard about it a week or so ago, and I’m really looking forward to it.
Question: The ‘Shadow’ army makes me think of ‘the Black Yew’, the dark force that controls the undead army in J.P. Moore’s “Toothless”, which is set in 12-century France. Was that an inspiration?
Also, should you need any typesetting or layout work, please feel free to consider me! A couple of sample projects here: http://www.brabblemark.com/design.html
Heya Mark, thanks for sharing your enthusiasm with us; that’s great to read. I can’t speak for Anna, but I’ve never heard of The Black Yew before, but thanks for putting it on my radar for me to check out at a later date.
Sure thing! (If you search for Toothless on most podcast players you’ll probably also find the free audio version.)