Question: Would The Sprawl’s mission based structure be flexible enough to accomodate government or police teams, along the lines of Ghost on the Shell?
Question: Has anyone created playbooks for an android or a psychic?
Question: Would The Sprawl’s mission based structure be flexible enough to accomodate government or police teams,…
Question: Would The Sprawl’s mission based structure be flexible enough to accomodate government or police teams, along the lines of Ghost on the Shell?
Question: Has anyone created playbooks for an android or a psychic?
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Q1: I don’t see why not. Though it wouldn’t be a Mr. Smith giving the team their missions.
Q2: Any of the existing playbooks could be an android. I don’t think there’s any psychic stuff. Yet.
Cool. There is some similarities with mission briefings and a job given to contractors. Not sure all concepts translate over though, like getting paid though promotions and benefits might count
It’s been a long time since I watched any GitS. I need to refresh myself. The missions would probably work best as is if the team had a high level of autonomy. Like, yes, you’re government agents, but you need to operate mostly on your own.
If you have access to it, the Majestic 12 book for Atomic Robo does a similar slide. The missions might be the same, but the way you get them is different.
It provides for a mission briefing in which everyone contributes an expected difficulty to be overcome (presumably from your pre-mission intel) – might be something you could switch out for at least some of the legwork phase…
Yep. They pretty decide how to approach each mission themselves as they are the experts.
Thanks Michael. I don’t have Atomic Robo, but I get the concept.
Yeah, I think that’s all you need (any more detail would be specific to the AR:MJ12 system anyhow).
I guess my focus (as someone not familiar with The Sprawl) is how many concepts hang off the heist structure and how many can be translated into a mission structure.
I’m a bit confused. A heist is a robbery. A mission may be about stealing something, that’s just one type of mission. There are many, many others.
True. But they will generally have some target that’s not too far from that, such as extracting a person, neutralising a target, gathering information, or interrupting a meet. That goes toward my question as to whether The Sprawl could handle such objectives.
Should be fine – nothing in the sprawl’s missions says it has to be stealing something (in one of the missions I ran it was all to put something into the target computer systems)
I think it can support agent missions just fine. There are two moves that might be a good idea to change a bit: Get the Job and Getting Paid. This is because it is somewhat safer for agents than for freelancers and with such a status you probably get paid in full in all cases.
In such a game, payment would be less of a concern. So you might scrap most of the bits that work with Cred, and instead put a bit more emphasis on Gear (representing resources requisitioned from the controlling organisation).
Simon Geard Cred in The Sprawl is more than just money, it’s your credibility. As such, it might very well work as your professional reputation in your agency.
Thanks all.
Joni Virolainen – good point. If you’re looking at it that way, spending Cred fits quite naturally into the idea of requisitioning stuff for the mission. You might be obtaining it more from contacts inside the organisation rather than on the street, but most of the moves still work with that interpretation.
As for the playbook questions.
-For Android I would not bother with a book persay, perhaps more like a supplemental addon book with a few positive and negative moves.
-For Psychic, I dont think one has been made, but you could steal some moves from the AW Brainer playbook, and make it either a seperate book, or another supplemental addon book.
You might also want to keep an eye out for the Necropolis playset, as it has some interesting darker playbooks.
Andriod would just need a little bit of tweaking based on setting, but could play any playbook. Obviously the cyberwear would need adjusted, as you are the cyberwear. Maybe you give up the cyberwear and extra chrome options for a build yourself similar to building the Pusher’s believers. You chose what type of equipment you have, maybe a chassis and if you are obsolete, owned, or hunted.
If you prefer a playbook approach, I think Tech does a lot of the same things an android would.
I think psychics, as they are treated in most rp media, would need at least two classes. Something focusing on physical manipulation, and another on mental. If I wanted to run a game like or – Push (2009 film) – Wikipedia
I’d use the brainer to base the mental manipulation. build around the idea of to build a more dective stealth operative, and finally use something like the killer, or apocalypse world’s battlebabe, and gunlugger to produce a mind over manner type. Then would would need to make gear and cyberwear to support them. Maybe it would come with its own set of questions, on the source of their powers (natural born, implant, drugs… etc) or complications….
pusheror hacker could make a good psychic, it is all in how you manipulate the fluff.
Any playbook can be an android! the wonderful “friends at the table” podcast ran a long sprawl campaign called “counter//weight” and the driver is a robot named AuDy. In my game the killer is highly cyberwared to the point of nearly being a cyborg…