Okay, wrestling fans, I need suggestions.
I have a friend coming over tonight who is interested in learning more about wrestling, but hasn’t really enjoyed much about wrestling before this. I don’t know specifically what she has and hasn’t watched.
If I were to give this person a primer on Royal Rumbles, what would be a good RR match to show her? 1992 and “It’s Not Fair To Flair”? 2001? Some other year, perhaps?
Are there any other matches you would suggest I show her as a general “wrestling 101”?
If the match you’re suggesting isn’t on the WWE network, then I’ll need specific youtube or other video links.
Thanks in advance!
“It was a stunt granny”
The ’95 royal rumble where shawn michaels and davey boy ran the table is a good one too. It’ll illustrate some of the shenanigans about “both feet touching”
Theres something to be said about some of the newer ones, too – first one I watched when I got dragged back into being a fan by my missus was the one where Bray Wyatt just chilled in the middle for ages being a beast a couple years ago.
If she’s not keen on wrestling to date, do you really want to overload her by subjecting her to more than the 4 hr (6 if you’re watching the insane amount of pre-show) of product already? You’re going to burn her out, most likely. She’s showing interest, let her just watch tonight’s show; watching the pre-show is probably a good idea (but again, does she want to sit through SIX HOURS of programming?), as that will help her understand about the storylines going on.
The best thing you can do is talk to her, explain things during the show. Don’t be one of the wrestling fans who doesn’t like people talking/asking questions during the show. (Not saying you are, or aren’t.)
what Terry Willitts said. It’s already a 3 hour show w/ a 2 hour preshow.
I’ll ask her what she wants.