A new resource for finding #PbtA games in print!
http://apocalypse-world.com/pbta/A new resource for finding #PbtA games in print!
A new resource for finding #PbtA games in print!
http://apocalypse-world.com/pbta/Comments are closed.
Holy crap there’s so many! Awesome!
Berlin XVIII. It is in french, it is a reboot of the eponymous game, but it’s going to be a PbtA as well: 500nuancesdegeek.fr – Le père noël de 500NDG 3/3 : Berlin 18 V4 version alpha, en téléchargement gratuit !
Uuuuuhh, now that’s nice.
Thanks for this! The Sprawl by Hamish Cameron and the Veil by Fraser Simons should also be there (unless I missed them).
Sprawl/Veil are hard to spot in the thumbnails, but they’re definitely in the text list to the side.
Oli Jeffery They’re both there under “cyberpunk”.
Interesting! Looks like a couple on there are more “inspired by” rather than “powered by” the Apocalypse, no? The Indie Hack and Blades in the Dark aren’t what I’d call AW hacks. Not a complaint or anything, just an observation.
Kyle Simons The policy is that the authors get to say if their game is PbtA. Some are deeper hacks than others or find inspiration in different parts of the engine.
Alfred Rudzki Hamish Cameron I think my phone was cutting off the cyberpunk category altogether…
Meguey Baker Cool, makes sense. Hard to really draw a line about what is and what isn’t for sure.
Oli Jeffery The corps are onto you, man. Better lay low for a while!
Hey Meg, if you want to add a French-speaking section, you also have:
Berlin XVIII (the 4th edition is PbtA), soon to be published by 500 Nuances de Geek, but the alpha version is already available, a gritty cyberpunkish cop story set in Berlin, by me (Khelren) (http://www.500nuancesdegeek.fr/pere-noel-3-berlin18alpha/)
Libreté by Vivien Feasson (https://fr.ulule.com/librete/)
And thanks for the list, I somehow kinda miss a few of those hacks. Unbelievable!
There is also Big Bad World by Sean Nittner and me. Definitely PbtA.
bigbadcon.com – Big Bad World « Big Bad Con 2016 – October 14-16