Looking for one player to join an ongoing campaign of Urban Shadows.
Time: 19.00 Gmt+1 every Thursday. This time is set and is not open for change.
How: Roll20 and Discord for voice.
More information can be found at: https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/57746/urban-shadows
If you are interested, fill out an application and answer all the questions asked in the listing in roll20. People who can’t fill out their form properly won’t be considered.
See you!
Did you get any takers?
I did! We got a full party now and really look forward to the game tonight!
Threw an application in even though you’re full in case you get bailed on by somebody.
Hi Kax ja, are you still looking for 1 more player? The description text on roll20 says so. Or is that from when you started looking?
Hello! We are full for now unfortunately. Thanks for your interest though and I hope you find a good game of Urban Shadows to play
Thanks! Enjoy your game!