There’s been some interest from Gauntlet League Wrestling. So I’ve scheduled 4 sessions of World of Wrestling – This will have a more British Wrestling Vibe (see the write up below).
If you’re interested they are running from 8pm (GMT) Thursdays – I’m planning on recording the sessions so a camera would be good if possible.
Sign up by clicking on the attending link for the chosen date and pressing the attending button. If an event is full let me know you’re interested and I’ll add you to the waitlist
Originally shared by Eadwin Tomlinson
4 sessions of Worldwide Wrestling RPG. This time with a very British feel.
note: you can join one, some or all the sessions without a problem
“Barry Dixon has a plan, a plan to change the face of British wrestling. He remortgaged his house, sold his prized Mustang and bought a rag tag wrestling promotion. Since then with the help of Kent Walton and Delia Davies working front of house the promotion has grown. Travelling from British town to British town with a steadily growing audience and attracting talent from other parts of the world it’s going well-ish. Recently Barry has signed a broadcast deal. Will this be the making of the promotion or will the hardcore fans (mostly blood thirsty pensioners) be turned off by the new talent? How will you shape the promotion?”
Session 1 – 16th March – Glasgow
Session 2 – 23rd March – Wigan
Session 3 – 30th March – Birmingham
Session 4 – 6th April – London
Wrestler images are taken from this artist’s site, hopefully giving credit is enough to not get sued. He also does some pretty nice t-shirts (if you like wrestling gear) so check him out.
Forgottenhelm1 gerwyn walters
So, what wrestlers are folks planning?
None are taken so you’ve got free reign – The only playbook off the table is Boss
gerwyn walters Are you just attending the first session?
Ah my bad
Seriously considering a Welsh “foreigner” heel
I like it – I like it a lot!
Joe Zantek I would be very interested in getting hold of your heat questions – do you know when they will be purchasable?
Chris LeBlanc here you go… Few slots left
Oof. I have no clue. I’m a monster that needs to do more work on that.
Well if there’s anyway I can get hold of them I can credit you in the ap Joe Zantek and officially buy them when the finally get there
Out of curiosity, the heel ability of the foreigner gimmick gives you a valet/aid. How does that run? mean you run two characters ? The wrestler and a manager?
Let me look into it – I’m pretty sure we can go either way – if you have an idea for the valet but don’t want to play it I’m happy to take it
It’s meant as a general assistant (“My manager is going to roll out the red carpet” or “Me and Popinski are backstage, eating a big ol’ plate of Herring), but Creative is allowed to make them a source of problems and stories, same as an any NPC.
gerwyn walters you’re not signed up for session 4, is that intentional? Plus are you on hangouts?
Sorry. Had to use my phone to enter that in and it’s not the best
I’m on hangouts. Don’t use it often though
So. ap glyndwr (son of glyndwr). Crowned by the druids of Wales as the true Prince of the Welch people he rises up to battle the oppression of the English and lead all good Celtic people in the overthrow of the tyranny of English wrestlers.
Accompanying him to the ring is gelert the grey, speaker of the high circle of the druids of the land who speaks on behalf the mighty giant for those poor souls who have been denied the benefits of the true tongue of these isles
gerwyn walters the game will be run over it I’ve sent you a test message so we are ready to go on the day
I joined all the session since my appointments are early enough for me to be home for a hour or two before so should have comfy time barrier hopefully nothing pops out from now to then. Also I will let others pick first for characters cause rather give the experience players the freedom since I am most likely going to be bad at first.
Chris LeBlanc I think all of the players are new to worldwide wrestling but have experience with other powered by the apocalypse games. Questions just to make sure, you are on hangouts? And I’ll be recording the episodes, hope you are OK with that?
I am a streamer so if you record it I am the least of your worries even though I do not webcam on stream but meh but i never used hangout so I am going to check that out before the stream to find out how to use the system best I can. Also I might be able to do a small session of this game with a couple of real life friends.. none of us has any experienced though but at least I might get small feel on the role play aspect for wrestler wise since my rp experience is in DnD and Only War.
Chris LeBlanc can I strongly suggest you watch some of the actual play on YouTube to help you understand play. Of course I’ll help you during play but it would give you a good head start.
I watched the Gauntlet to the last episode that is out currently and the one with Nathan…. have trouble remembering the name of the tournament that was the main story of that series.
The journeyman cup
Yup that is the one… I am bad with names
Chris LeBlancif you get on hangouts I can open up a text chat so you can discuss your ideas?
Eadwin Tomlinson sorry been pretty dizzy lately cause of new meds but I think I will be fine sort of had to back up the date cause one forgot they where busy that day.
Chris LeBlanc are you out of all the sessions?
Eadwin Tomlinson I am still in never ment I was not going to be not there I ment the one with my friends was backed up. I will be in the sessions as far as I know.