If I made a modified character sheet based on the player aids you released, what’s your policy on releasing to the Google+ Sprawl community?
I am guessing it’s OK but don’t want to step on any toes.
EDIT: Now that I have permission, this is shared in the comments below. As an FYI: We play remotely, so we keep our data in tablet-displayable format. This also lets me do stuff you can’t do on physical paper (er… in meatspace?), like write on a black sheet in a white pen.
The goal is to compile a PDF we can then mark up during play, with our markups syncing live to the cloud.
It’s not the most elegant solution – that would require better software available – but I like the way the final product displays on a computer.
I’m happy to take comments if people are so inclined. Keep in mind that (1) I’m not a professional typesetter or graphical designer and (2) I have a day job and personal commitments, so my ability to update these to a professional level of quality is limited. But as long as people keep that in mind, I’m willing to take suggestions and make improvements as best I can.
Totally okay!
Here’s the first, easy page, which is just a google doc.
This is the actual sheet for a Pusher “Revolutionary”, because there is no blank version of this. When we add characters to a campaign, I just copy one of these and replace, line by line.
docs.google.com – Character Sheet Template
Here’s the second page, which is how I track stats. This is the page I plan to write on/modify during game night.
drive.google.com – Stat Page.pdf – Google Drive
Here’s the supplemental page I slide in for characters with matrix access. Next to the cyberdeck stat hexes I’ll note the base stats of the deck, plus any program modifiers. The hexes themselves are reserved for the current value of the stat.
drive.google.com – Matrix Page.pdf – Google Drive
Here’s the template for mega-corps. I usually box off the moves on the right after I’ve drawn them in. And I also drop in a logo in on the top left.
The logos in my game are pretty clear ripoffs of currently existing logos, though, so I didn’t want to include an example here.
drive.google.com – Corporate Profile.pdf – Google Drive
Finally a mission clock page with room for notes/directives in the bottom if you’d like (I keep a separate page with the directives to show to the players).
drive.google.com – Mission Clocks.pdf – Google Drive
The color scheme is not 100% consistent. But generally what I was trying for is:
Yellow = stat,
Cyan = roll modifier,
Orange = condition,
Green = benefit,
Magenta = specific reference to the fiction (including moves),
Brown = tags
How do you edit these? I tried downloading them and they look like flat documents?
I have PDF markup tool I use. Is there another format you prefer? I may be able to accommodate.