hi everyone.
i’ve been designing a cyberpunk rpg; A.D. [X].
those who have run the game seem to get into a problem of how to do enemies. i guess more specifically, how to make enemies more than big, dumb meatsacks with a gun.
also locations seem to have, to a lesser extent, a similar problem.
i’m trying to fix that.
a few months ago, i posted something where i said i would be releasing an npc/creature/monster every week and a location too. i didn’t do that but i want to catch up.
so, here’s the one i forgot to post here a while ago (i also tried to convert it, link at the bottom).
http://terminal.computer/adx/?p=27 – creature
http://terminal.computer/adx/?p=31 – location
and here’s the new one.
http://terminal.computer/adx/?p=64 – npc
http://terminal.computer/adx/?p=66 – location
i’d appreciate any feedback at all because i’m new to this and i want to improve. feel free to share as well, if you would like.
i’m going to try and keep this regularly going to at least catch up to the one’s i’ve missed.
thanks for reading.
Hi there, I have questions! Is this game Powered by the Apocalypse? The links don’t make it clear, and if you are looking for help with game design, knowing what your framework is will help. What I’m seeing looks like a play-by-post, but what you’ve linked to seem to be middle sections, not the starting point? How does someone run this game?
ETA: ok, I tapped the tiny computer and got your intro text about trying to survive in a crowded expanse as a seriously badass PC. Is that the start?
hey meguey. no problem
the game is pbta, yes. i use the dice mechanic for all of the rolls in the game. apologies; i should probably make that clearer on the site.
with the game itself. my intention with the links were that they act as resources for the mc/gm/admin; like npcs and monsters to use within the game. just updated the gaslamps one (first link) to add in its stats
i also have a quick and dirty ruleset and some character sheets if people would like to playtest but i was unsure whether that would be allowed.
hope that clears things up but i am more than happy to answer any further questions/clarify things if needed!
Cool, thanks, and no need to declare the PbtA if you don’t want to, I was just checking. I kind of love that I had to ask! So these links are play aids for the GM? Poking around the different pages, it almost reads as a vine game or a choose-your-own-adventure. How is it used in play? It’s a lot of interesting setting and stuff that a GM could grab and build on; is that your intent?
And sure, if it’s pbta, you can definitely post links to your rules in progress and playbooks and such! That gives folks a lot more context and will get you more cohesive feedback. Maybe tag it so folks can find older posts if you continue to work on A.D. [X] here (which I dig as a name, by the way!)
ah i see. no problem! so the links are play aids, yes. i’d like to basically create these npcs and locations so that they’re (hopefully) evocative enough that the gm can just take parts, as you say, and build upon them. funny you should mention choose your adventure; i started work on one here!
also very glad you like the name
we (my artist friend and i) have been working on trying to get something that captures cyberpunk for a while and were stuck with [untitled] before, which isn’t nearly as good i think! and thanks for the heads up regarding rules/playbooks etc! might post something regarding that soon too 
by the way, if you would like the proof (we’re hoping to publish soon), i’d be more than happy to send that along to you as well if you like?
How long has this been in development? If you are near to publishing, please do make a post here with a link to your draft text, as there are lots of folks in this community who may be interested!
i think it’s been roughly 2 years now. it would be good to get some external feedback on it; most of our playtesting has been with people we know so far. i’ll make a post later on today then
I confess, I was giving this the side-eye until I hit a link. It’s good, thick, atmospheric fog. I would like to see more.
glad you liked it
there will be more to come soon.