What about a players move for passing/advancing the seasons and years ? I know there is one by default for the MC, but it would be interesting to see a version where the players roll to see if certain events happen. Anyone thought about this or came up with a house-rule for it ?
What about a players move for passing/advancing the seasons and years
What about a players move for passing/advancing the seasons and years
The new Man playbook has one for what happens after winter
Aaron Griffin, you refer the Cath one? I don’t remember seeing it. Could you tell more about it ? Thanks!
I think it’s Jason Morningstar’s playbook. (EDIT: It’s Catherine Ramen’s!) See Master of the Hearth here:
Man, first Keith is salty, now I don’t get credit for my blatant ripoff of the Operator playbook!
(Master of the Hearth was my own idea; the goal was to abstract the commodities from the SotI version of the Man into silver, which is a) more manageable and b) makes silver more interesting in the game.)
Catherine Ramen shit I’m so sorry, the copy I have doesn’t have any attribution (except for the art).
The art is wonderful! And no worries
There’s nothing tremendously clever in the revised playbook except the realization that the Operator mapped better than the Hardholder when looking for an exemplar; I liberally plundered ideas from other better designers. (The original document specifically called out Keith Stetson’s good ideas, but a lot gets lost in the layout.)
Point of fact I probably shouldn’t have borrowed thing one from Keith Stetson’s stuff–I called it out in the original doc which I saw as “here is an experiment that might be cool building off of other people’s better ideas” and then it snowballed and folks I respect a lot got involved; this is all on me for not thinking clearly and not being responsible. As someone who has in the past written for money, I’m usually much better on respecting IP. So probably the whole thing needs to be withdrawn. And although it’s far too little and far too late, I do apologize for being, as a better writer than me put it, a dick.
Heh sorry I should’ve explained better. When I said a move for passing the seasons, I had in mind something with a set of options on 10+ and 7-9 ranges like a structured move. More or less like this:
“When you advance the seasons, tell us one interesting fact that happened during that time, then roll wyrd. On 10+ pick two, on 7-9 pick one:
– Fate smiled upon you. Gain 1 handful of silver worth of goods.
– You got the respect of the community. Gain 3 bonds and allocate it however you wish between players and NPCs.
– You didn’t got scarred during a harsh winter or battle.
On 6- things went out terrible and you’re now Dishonored. Tell us how it happened.”
…or something like that.