Don’t know if folks here would be interested, but Farflung is now available at rpgnow and DriveThruRPG.’t know if folks here would be interested, but Farflung is now available at rpgnow and DriveThruRPG.
Don’t know if folks here would be interested, but Farflung is now available at rpgnow and DriveThruRPG. are closed.
Hmm this looked too gonzo to me when I first saw it, but I’ve heard it fits Farscape/Guardians of the Galaxy type games. Is this true?
Lessee, one of the playbooks is the Ship (Moyaa), another is the Hero of the Universe(John Crichton in later seasons), another is the Displaced (John Crichton in early seasons), then there is Flora (Groot, Zhaan), The Empath (Zhaan), Uplifted Animal (Rocket), Old Soldier (Drax, Gamorra, Aeryn, D’Argo). Starlord and Chiana could be handled using the Explorer playbook. Noble of Ashes could handle Rygel.
And, yeah, the art is gonzo.
This game is full of AWESOME!
Bought the PDF today, and so far I pretty much like what I see.
Aaron Griffin It looks like it’s going to work for high end space opera, also time/dimensional-travel capers a la Rick and Morty. The playbooks are crazy, and the Time mechanism looks pretty nifty.
Yeah, I think it could do something interesting with time travel. My first thought wasn’t Rick & Morty (haven’t watched it yet), but Dr. Who. Playbooks for Clockworker/time traveller, Immortal, The Ship (TARDIS) and all the companions you could ever want to have…
Looks interesting. What are typical themes? What do you do in a session? What are the GM’s principles and moves?
From what I read so far, I’d say it works best with epic scale over-the-top sci-fi, preferably not the completely serious kind. Things like Fifth Element, Guardians of the Galaxy, Futurama, or the Valérian and Laureline comics come to mind. As Rick & Morty is one of the highly recommended sources (which I fully endorse), time and/or dimensional travel adventures (the fun weird ones, not the ones trying to be scientifically correct) will also work fine.
A lot of the playbooks directly support these themes, e.g. the time travelling Clockworker, the literally Last of their Kind, or the inspiring Hero of the Universe. The playbooks can be checked in the preview on DriveThruRPG.
The MC section differs from a lot of other PbtA games, as the principles in the book are very basic:
– Be fair
– Be consistent
– Have fun
There are no fixed MC moves, but rather a list of ideas for how to snowball/respond to player moves.