Hey, I started a new AW game and one of the things that got generated was that the local marine scary wildlife was…

Hey, I started a new AW game and one of the things that got generated was that the local marine scary wildlife was…

Hey, I started a new AW game and one of the things that got generated was that the local marine scary wildlife was mutated smart saltwater crocodiles.

Now, I’ve seen regular salties in Australian wildlife parks so I know they’re already one of the scariest animals there are.

Anyone have any ideas what smart crocodiles could be planning?

18 thoughts on “Hey, I started a new AW game and one of the things that got generated was that the local marine scary wildlife was…”

  1. I envision a vicious guerrilla warfare with humans, with crocs encroaching in big city sewers (ok, an overused trope, but still). I’m not ruling out an alliance between human underclass and up-and-coming sentient crocs.

  2. I think they present themselves as scholarly. They understand that croctelligence is a new thing, and seek out old human knowledge – books, experts, old technology, etc. They want to improve themselves quickly.

    That said, they’re also incredibly violent and don’t have laws or governance beyond “biggest croc rules” and “go ahead and kill other crocs if you can”

  3. Croc engineering. I could see them undermining shorelines and bridges.

    Expanding underwater passages to gain access to new locations.

    Causing flooding to wash out rivers/streams and create new lagoons.

    Coordinating in teams, like wolves, to actively hunt instead of waiting on ambush tactics to work.

    Coordinating with birds or other creatures to attract prey, or lead them to prey.

    Emulating sounds of other creatures to lull/lure passerby.

    Developing better armor/camouflage. Perhaps armor through prolonged ritual scarification, leaving their already tough hides even more difficulty to penetrate. Camouflage through use of mud and debris.

    Finally – croc-eugenics. They have spent generations breeding for specific castes. Crocs are super fast on land, for short distances. Perhaps they’ve bred long-distance sprinters. Small, strong crocs. Crocs that can stay out of the water longer to cross long distances. Better diggers. Crocs with webbed limbs that can glide short distances.

  4. Let’s say that inhabitants of the settlement/place/wherever your players live, discover that crocs are sometimes helping them. Driving away dangers, herding in food when settlement is in want, not killing too much people at once despite having occasion – even helping small kid to return home.


    Cause they are breeding people for food. They are treating settlement as their animal farm.

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