Your francophone contacts might be interested in the crowdfunding campaign for the French translation of The Sprawl: (currently at 97%)
(I though Tiburce Guyard posted this here yesterday, but now I don’t see it.)
Your confusion may have been caused by the French-speaking The Sprawl’s community
The Sprawl
Tiburce Guyard I did consider that, but I thought I joined that later than I’d already seen you post here, so either way, my memory is off!
At any rate, congratulations on a very successful campaign so far! A couple more backers and you will have funded inside 24 hours!
Je suis Francophone./I am a Francophone! Are they keeping the game title as-is?
I am.
“The Sprawl” can’t really be translated. Yeah, sure, The Neuromancer‘s translation uses “La Conurb(ation)” but it’s not a very sexy title. Too administrative and not really obvious, if you haven’t read The Neuromancer.
“Edge” is also a bloody nightmare to translate, thank you very much Hamish!
Does any of this go towards Hamish Cameron or is it 100% going towards translation efforts? I really want to support this in some way, but I have no need for a french version and even using google translate, I’m having difficulty navigating the crowdfunding page.
The corp always gets their cut
Joking aside, most of it goes to the great new work that Tiburce Guyard and his team have done/will be doing. There’s a pie chart with a breakdown towards the bottom of the page.
But yes, I had this same dilemma with the French version of Dungeon World, and I read formal French well enough to use a book in French.
The new thing that people might be especially interested in here are the extra materials. A couple of the settings will be in the upcoming English setting book, but they’re commissioning a bunch of new work, which is exactly what I hoped to see from the various translation projects in progress. How exactly English users access them is a trickier question that I’m afraid I don’t have an answer to.
The Hamish-Cameron corp is right here, in blue:
Tiburce Guyard I will try and figure out how to back this later this evening, but I wish you the best of luck. If there’s a way I can do this via direct paypal, just to help out, I’d be interested in donating. I want to get The Sprawl out to as many people as possible because I adore the setting and the effort Hamish has put into the game. I am currently trying to figure out a way to make a more Dungeon World-y version of The Sprawl for my more moment to moment players because it feels weird having them make the same rolls constantly for every little thing. A lot of my players are not as…creative when given control of their story as others, and Dungeon World seems to work better for them, however we all just love the setting the Sprawl offers.
If you like the more DWy style, you could check out Sixth World, a DW hack for Shadowrun. I haven’t played it, but it reads as a really faithful port of SR. Unfortunately there are a confusion number of versions and I’m not sure which is which. There are a couple of RPGnet threads that discuss that issue.
Gregory Daily This is exactly the reason why I asked Hamish to translate The Sprawl in French! Because it’s a freaking good game that I love
I have Sixth World, but it’s more SR than Sprawl and less faithful to the feel of Sprawl than we want. I’m thinking of borrowing moves from that to make combat and dealing with contacts more dynamic.
Authors and marketing guys want a snappy title for a product. But in doing so it sets like joyous concrete and the idiom becomes very difficult to translate unless you do an unrelated search for a snappy title in the other language.
STAR TREK original series was for a time represented as PATROUILLE DU COSMOS (Cosmos Patrol or Cosmic Patrol) in French but if you say “Star Trek” now they can’t fail to understand.