Monster of the Week Question.
This has probably been asked previously. but I have not been able to find it, should possibly add a FAQ section to the community for Q&S stuff.
Anyway.. i’ve run two sessions of MotW and my 3rd is coming up next weekend. i’ve been going over the revised rules again and again to make sure I understand all the aspects.
One thing that has confused me is, in most of the Sample Mysteries, there are bystanders with a “Trait” column, such as Tough, Geeky, Bookish etc.. but no where in the rules I can find is Trait Discussed as part of defining a bystander.
am I missing something or is this just so self explanatory it was not worth mentioning?
I’ll have to go check, but my gut reaction is that these are just notes for the GM on how to portray these characters.
Chris Stone-Bush is correct.