Finally got my hack into a sharable form!
Originally shared by Lauri Maijala
Relentless editing during this week and after about five years of testing we are finally here.
Beta edition includes all the rules needed for gaming as well as playbooks. What it still needs is better editing and layout as well as more concrete rules – currently understanding of Apocalypse World engine helps a long way.
What is it about?
Alpo _ Damn my lightining spamming. That might have been quite relevant info.
Eldritch Sigils is a game about a cell of agents working to prevent the Beyond from Bleeding into their world. It is an investigation game set in the 90s in the style of X-Files, The Fringe and Stranger Things. Other major influences include XCOM, Half Life as well as Conspiracy X and Delta Green.
Most important influence as an Apocalypse World hack have been the Regiment by John Harper & Paul Riddle , Dungeon World by Sage LaTorra & Adam Koebel and tremulus by Sean Preston .
This sounds like a blast! Can’t wait to give it a look over!
ApolloEnder Thanks! We really need some outside views on this. I’m totally aware we just cannot spot everything since by now we know the system by hearth.
Thanks for sharing. I’ll take a look in hopes to be able to bring this to our game table next month.
Suboptimal Von Meh I’d be happy to answer any questions you might have before the game.
Lauri Maijala Ok, thanks. I’ll ask away should something come up.
Updated the file since the Gadgeteer still had one “stand in” talent.