I’ve just published two AW-inspired card games!

I’ve just published two AW-inspired card games!

I’ve just published two AW-inspired card games! They’re pretty far drifted from core Apocalypse World, inspired by Dream Askew – there’s no GM and no randomiser, and instead players use a limited pool of tokens to boost moves. Both games have been designed to get you roleplaying as soon as possible, with Fiasco-like character goal setup and mechanics to build and resolve character subplots through the 2-hour or so session. If any of that sounds interesting, go take a look – or I’m happy to talk more about them here!

Originally shared by Jay Iles

I’ve just made What Ho, World! and Wizards Aren’t Gentlemen publicly available! These games are one-shot zero prep comedy games, compressed down into a 90-card deck that fits in your pocket.

Loosely based on the Apocalypse World engine, What Ho, World! tries to evoke Wodehousian humour: feckless gentlemen of leisure, dependable servants and meddling great-aunts.

Wizards Aren’t Gentlemen, on the other hand, takes its inspiration from Jack Vance and Terry Pratchett – naive apprentices, squabbling wizards, and scheming demons bound into service!

Both games are available on Amazon (https://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dtoys&field-keywords=ufo+press+storytelling&rh=n%3A468292%2Ck%3Aufo+press+storytelling) or Print-on-Demand at DriveThruRPG (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/6097/UFO-Press/subcategory/19570_27513/Hijink-system). I’ve also uploaded YouTube videos talking about what the deck contains and how to play the game – see attached.

I’m very proud of them, and I hope you take a look!


2 thoughts on “I’ve just published two AW-inspired card games!”

  1. Yeah, I can’t sell to the US on Amazon without registering a business in the US. If you don’t want to get a print-on-demand copy from DriveThru, you can also pick it up from my website here (http://ufopress.co.uk/shop/), though be advised that as that’s shipping from a warehouse in London it’ll cost about $28.46 in total.

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