Any tips on finding an online PbtA game? Where are the best places to look ? (this community, other G+ communities, Roll20, Reddit LFG, etc.)?
I’m especially interested in Uncharted Worlds, Monster of the Week, Urban Shadows, Action Movie World, or Dungeon World – but potentially other variations as well.
One Shots or mini-campaigns would be ideal. Any software is fine (Roll20, Hangouts, Skype, etc.), but preferably voice + video.
Any pointers would be appreciated.
Look for the G+ Community for The Gauntlet Hangouts. There are PBtA games going up there all the time! I just posted a two-shot of Impulse Drive, I know Monster of the Week happened today.
Thanks, I already joined that community earlier today and checked out the calendar. Definitely a lot of games I’d be very interested in, although many don’t align with my schedule (PST time zone; weekday/weekend late evenings work best due to work and family commitments). But I’ll keep an eye out, as you seem to be playing some awesome games.
Big fan of your +1 Forward podcast, BTW! As someone completely new to PbtA, it’s been a great way to get a taste of the many games out there. 🙂
I post hangouts pbta games here
Richard Rogers The gauntlet podcasts are my favorite in the known universe.
Thanks Lonnie, will check it out.
Thanks, Mirko Froehlich and Lonnie Spangler!!!!
I’m running an alpha version of Happiest Apocalypse on Earth this Friday night 6:30 PT on Roll20 if you want in. It’s a playtest, but it still counts as game night, right? Let me know if you want in
Christopher Grey That actually sounds very fun! Let me see if I can make that time work and get back to you.
Mirko Froehlich great thanks, I’ll standby