Hey guys I am posting this up here. It is a zip of various 40k universe Apocalypse Hacks. Let me be clear none of this is mine and all credit should go to original creators which are generally listed on the docs. The “RTA” stuff is Rough Trader and there is differnining levels of completeness and a mix of info in the differing versions (Beta, RTA3, RTA4, etc). Endless War and the Deathwatch-Apocalypse-Play-Test are both for Deathwatch. What I am interested in doing is making a semi-universal bigger 40k Apocalypse Hack (Only War, Black Crusade, Dark Heresy added). Is anyone interested in joining in on working on this project with me? Pau Blackonion you asked for some of these resources.
Hey guys I am posting this up here.
Hey guys I am posting this up here.
Link to download zip. drive.google.com – 40k Apokalyps.zip – Google Drive
This got me to thinking of framing conventions of the RPGs that were, and how I’d fit them into a Powered by the Apocalypse frame.
More specifically, if you aren’t worried about power disparity, which isn’t as much of a thing with a PbtA game, how many game experiences do you have?
I’d argue that Deathwatch actually fits into the Dark Heresy frame in this instance, because you have a Space Marine seconded to the Ordo Xenos. In fact, if you had a Dark Heresy style PbtA game, your Space Marine playbook could just reflect if you were Ordo Xenos (Deathwatch) or Ordo Malleus (Grey Knights).
Only War could envelop both Imperial Guard and Space Marines.
Rogue Trader is its own play experience, because its the one where you are probably the least likely to feel compelled to slaughter aliens, and the only one where you might have playbooks for Xenos crew members.
I think Black Crusade is also still its own play experience, and it already meshed Chaos Space Marines with more standard Chaos adherents.
So, yeah, lots of words to effectively say that if you wanted to build something from the ground up that modeled the 40K RPGs from FFG, you could streamline Deathwatch out of the mix.
I’ve been working on notes for a Deathwatch adaption and a Guard/Commissar game. They won’t really be compatible when I’m done, an Astartes PC and a Guardsman PC are just on different power scales. For both, I’ll be liberally adapting The Regiment.
I’ll post links when I’m somewhere that doesn’t block pastebin.
In other news, there is a Black Crusade adaption: PDF link via Dropbox
Oooh. Super cool. Thanks.
Anybody have any idea who did the black crusade hack and how I could go about getting ahold of them to ask some questions? Michael Llaneza
A Something Awful goon named “dont even fink about it”, in Sept. 2016. I can try to relay questions and might even get an answer.
Michael Llaneza, thx!