7 thoughts on “Be gentle.”

  1. Assiduous Wake What is your suggested GM move for a miss on the Shaman’s Spirit Speak? I’m assuming it’s not just a “whiff” and something interesting still happens…

    Does accidentally summoning a spirit that’s not “willing to serve you” and dealing with the consequences fit how you think that move should look in play?

  2. Omari Brooks Yes. I wanted to avoid railroading a course of action on a miss, and some of this might be fleshed out better once I’ve fully thought out supplemental material (e.g. spirits as threats), but yeah… I could see it going anywhere from an obviously hostile spirit, to a successful summons (but of a spirit with it’s own agenda), to spiritual silence …the spirit world isn’t backing your play. What does that mean for you?

  3. Overall interesting. I’m waiting for the beta version! They could prove themselves useful in any shadowrunesque campaign.

    About the moves:

    “Exorcism: When you cast a possessing spirit out of a person of object, roll Edge. On a 10+, both. On a 7-9, Choose 1.”

    Well, as I always do when I create a move like that, try to NOT negate the 7-9 “success with cost” result. Ie. we learnt with A.W. that 7-9 should be a success – probably partial, hard-earned, expensive – but a success. Every time I see in the choices something that – when you don’t choose it – negates the move trigger, I think that the move isn’t going to work well in play.

    So, no “● The spirit is banished.”

    I think the move should be something like a “standard” Defy Danger (well, it should be probably something better than that, ’cause on the contrary you could simply use that basic move, instead of buying a move that it’s a “clone move” of the standard ones)… However: maybe something like:

    when you cast a possessing spirit… 10+ Yes. 7-9 Yes but… choices 1, 2, 3 etc. (maybe: host dies, banish is temporary, you need to expend precious ingredients, an immediate retaliation, someThing notices you etc.)

  4. Thanks. I’ll consider the change if it makes the move more fun.

    It may just not be explained properly. The point of the move is to remove a spirit from a person or object. The spirit is out of the person either way on a 7-9, the decision is whether the spirit is banished (dead) vs just out of the (unharmed) host but still a threat.

  5. “The spirit is out of the person either way on a 7-9, the decision is whether the spirit is banished (dead) vs just out of the (unharmed) host but still a threat.”

    Ah, OK, this is clearer. Probably a simple rewording should suffice. Something like “● The spirit is also banished, so it’s not a threat anymore.”

    About the second choice: you could put the chance to save the host, maybe spelling “the cast out asks a heavy toll: the host is in critical conditions, dying in minutes if not saved, or the object is heavily damaged, broken if not cared about”.

    So you could have the situation in which you have the spirit out the body, your friend is dying, and you need to choose how to face that (still very bad, if you are alone with them). Also, a nice opportunity to bargain with the spirit about the safety of the host vs. the freedom of him, for example.

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