is there a website I can download the playbooks from? I lost mine from the KS?
is there a website I can download the playbooks from? I lost mine from the KS?
is there a website I can download the playbooks from? I lost mine from the KS?
is there a website I can download the playbooks from? I lost mine from the KS?
is there a website I can download the playbooks from? I lost mine from the KS?
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If you go to kickstarter and go to your backed projects list there should be a message with the links.
Todd Zircher Sadly the links do not work…
Have you tried contacting the creators in a KS direct message? It shows they logged in there just a couple of days ago.
W00T! Dropbox to the rescue! I had forgotten that I had d/l all the files and then uploaded them to Dropbox…whew!
It’s good to be the pack rat. As long as you know where you stashed your stuff.
You should’ve gotten a coupon for a copy at DrivethruRPG as well, so the playbooks and other aides would be in your library there.
Kyle Simons dont think I got that as I am dont see it in my library on DrivethruRPG? But I found them so no biggy.