Any tips for making the resident Nova feel particularly epic? What kind of situations/villains to give them that only they can handle? How to make them set apart from the rest of the group during play (during fights or just using powers).
Any tips for making the resident Nova feel particularly epic?
Any tips for making the resident Nova feel particularly epic?
What’re the powers?
Novas are all about unleashing their powers in an epic, and usually destructive way. Make use of those 7-9 results to show how their actions affect the environment around them.
Cause the concrete under their feet to spiderweb in cracks, the windows in the cars and buildings around them to shatter, the air around them to whoosh and flare. Go all Michael Bay on them.
Great post, thanks! And sorry, Adam, I’m not really sure which power they’ll be picking. I know a couple are talking about it and is really the only one I don’t totally get in the rule book.
The biggest paradigm shift for those more familiar with traditional RPGs is that the concept of the Archetype in Masks is not based on what they can do, but who they are and want to be. Each Archetype describes a different path to self-discovery and the obstacles on the way. What superpower they have is secondary to their self-image and how it interacts with and is affected by those around them.
Definitely more familiar with traditional rpgs. Will keep that in mind, thanks