Hi everybody. We are a group of game designers from the cold Russia. Couple of years ago we published our space opera game “Грань Вселенной”. Powered by the Apocalypse, it provided players with everything they needed to launch any type of spacefaring adventures with easy to learn rules.
When we finished the second edition, we decided to move further and present our game to English-speaking audience. The game is called Edge of the Verse and you can find playtest materials here:
We will appreciate any feedback and will answer any questions with pleasure.
Just had a quick flick through – there is quite a lot of background info for the MC/players to absorb. I generally prefer to make this at the table with the players.
Francesco Felici lo proviamo?
Neat! I look forward to seeing what comes next!
That artwork isn’t half bad! Do you plan to publish it professionally in English, too? Will there be print?
Stefan Droste Yes, we are planning to publish PDF. Not sure about print yet.
Rob Brennan You are right. We’ve add some info about the setting – but tried to keep it as much generic as possible. Setting is not mundatory – each playbook contains its own vital information about the world and a character’s role.
Kirill Rumyantsev OK cool. The layout looks nice and there are plenty of interesting tags etc. I’ll have a dig into the playbooks later. Thanks for posting this – it is very interesting to see new games from around the world (I’m in Ireland).
The playbooks look good on a first pass. I love that the Spaceship gets it’s own playbook
Any APs you’d recommend in Russian or English?
Christo Meid What is “APs”?
АP = Actual Play podcasts = recordings of people playing a game, in this case the Edge of the Verse. Especially valuable ones are the ones that show off the mechanics/setting well. Bonus if entertaining. Можно или по-русски или по-английски.
Or just posting about Actual Play. Podcasts are an option, but not for everyone in the making or the hearing.