I’ve posted the first batch of playtest material for Legacy’s 2nd Edition! This includes rewritten family playbooks, almost completely redone basic moves, and a whole new Character Role system to guide your character’s effect on their family – and the family’s effect on them.
Please give it a look and let me know what you think!
That cover (?) Is awesome
I hadn’t considered that but it’d definitely work as a cover, wouldn’t it?
I’m looking at it and hearing heavy metal music lol
The Families are beautiful. I like the way the attribute split is tied to the story before the fall, plus the landmarks thing.
I didn’t get the roles, when you first talked about them. The way they appear now, it is quite similar to XP systems in other PbtA game. I approve.
What’s a Quick character?
Glad to hear the new family setup and roles are clicking. Quick Characters are these ones, intended as disposable and easy to pick up and play. Here’s the section from the book on them – which I realise should probably have been included in the document packet.
“Your Character will be the family member we focus on in the current age, but that doesn’t stop others from spending some time in the spotlight. In circumstances when you want to play out a character’s actions in detail but it doesn’t make sense for everyone else’s main characters to be involved, you can instead use Simple Characters.
“They still use the Character basic moves and stats, but their playbooks are much simpler. Choose Leader, Agent, Rebel or Outsider, pick one move from the playbook and one they’ve inherited from the Family, and assign a simple stat array.”
I see. Then I suggest moving those inherited moves and the investments to the right of the sheet, so the inherited moves are on the bottom right corner.
That way a user can read in the usual order to set up their family and arrives at the inherited moves, when they might need them: Last.
Something like this?