So I have a rough draft for adapting AW2.0 to play a Ghost in the Shell game.

So I have a rough draft for adapting AW2.0 to play a Ghost in the Shell game.

So I have a rough draft for adapting AW2.0 to play a Ghost in the Shell game. (I haven’t seen the live action film – heard it wasn’t good. This is inspired by the anime, manga, and animated films.)

It’s not a full hack. It requires you to own AW2.0.

Please take a look, comment, and help me improve it.

The biggest hurdle I ran into was how much of AW depends on small, intimate populations vs. how much of cyberpunk (GitS included) trades on alienation. I adapted two new moves to help bring the PCs together and give them some intimate connections.

(Yes, I am aware of The Sprawl. It’s awesome, but I didn’t want all the “go on missions” focus.)

Anyway, I’m open to ways to improve it. Feel free to use it / play it / etc if you want, too.

7 thoughts on “So I have a rough draft for adapting AW2.0 to play a Ghost in the Shell game.”

  1. Hey this is pretty neat. I also didn’t find The Sprawl suited what I wanted from cyberpunk, so I made The Veil. GitS was the driving force for that game as well, I like what you’ve done here. There might be some stuff in my game you can mine for yours, I recently released a QuickStart and one playbook, The Apparatus, is designed to essentially be the Major. Feel free to check it out if you think it’ll help you, it’s free. –

  2. Then that’s how I’m going to check it out. Thanks, folks!

    A little background: I made this adaptation for my wife, who’s a bigger geek than me in just about every domain of geekery except RPGs. I wanted to offer her an option for a game night I’m pitching, and she’s way into cool shonen anime, including GitS, which is one of the few I’ve seen all of.

    But if The Veil does what I want, I think I might use it instead. We’ll see! I love how easy the Apocalypse Engine is to hack.

  3. OK, having checked out “+1 Forward” podcast about The Veil, it certainly does seem to be a great take on cyberpunk that matches Ghost in the Shell nicely. At the same time, I like the Apocalypse World playbooks for what I’m trying to achieve.

    So I think I have to buy The Veil and try it both ways.

    Turns out there’s this neat Kickstarter out there that I can get a copy from… 🙂

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