Back with another Fanbook.

Back with another Fanbook.

Back with another Fanbook. After the Joined was totally restructured (and how cool was that?) I felt that there was still some life in the old Joined to be wrung out. So I present the Bonded, a Playbook that’s all about that special bond between boy and dog or…boy and killer robot or boy and magical sword. Some direct inspiration, as you can see, were Red from Transistor (and the eponymous Transistor), Hiro and Baymax from Big Hero Six and Dar from The Beast Master.

Some moves and bits have come over from the old Joined Beta Playbook but I don’t think anyone can accuse this of being a simple alteration. The Playbook plays differently out of the gate and has all sorts of new and (I hope) interesting gadgets.

6 thoughts on “Back with another Fanbook.”

  1. I see the full Abilities section now. However, you may want to clarify exactly how many abilities the Bonded and the tether have.

    Also, I don’t see any way to get more abilities as an advancement.

  2. Eric Tolle It’s stated explicitly. You get one Ability for your Hero and one for your Tether.

    Most Playbooks have no way of getting more Abilities via advancement. Only the Legacy, Outsider and Transformed and Joined are given such a choice. I didn’t feel that was appropriate for The Bonded to have as an Advance option.

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