Really excited for this! I’m running a one shot for my group next Saturday, and I decided to base the mystery on a local cryptid. This is the first time I’ve written a mystery, so any insights would be appreciated.
Really excited for this!
Really excited for this!
Excellent freshman Mystery! Ideas: Why not make the crytid military created? Develop gov sources/files plus reaction to players (co-opt cover-up with us or “you’re a terrorist!”?)…Maybe wacky “monster hunters” cable show comes calling….
Mark Tygart the monster is actually a local legend that’s been around for several centuries. I wanted to make it a subversion story rather than a creation story. My experience with the military is that they’d rather repurpose something that exists than create something from scratch. I am hoping to create some documents, but it will depend on my time this week. As for the cable show idea, that’s the point of Inspectres, and my group has already played that several times, so that would probably fall flat.
Sorta like WW2 bat bombs? I’m trying to get my head around Project Peradactyl…Are the players acting as law enforcement/consultant guys then? What is the player motivation beyond monster kill? Also I always think its great to throw in a red herring of some sort…not being critical, just trying to give feedback! Like the military trying to cover it up by saying its a new type of terrorist drone…
The code name is the red herring.
the snallygaster swoops down, picks up its victims, and then drains their blood. So the point of the military experiment was to train it to attack specific targets. The project failed, when the experiment escaped.
As for the hunters motivation, I was going to ask the players why their characters would want to help out.
Jordan Dennis That works for good players; newbies may need a hook. Remember your writing for a general MotW audience.