Hey guys I have a a rules question.

Hey guys I have a a rules question.

Hey guys I have a a rules question. For the basic move provoke someone under the rules about PCs provoking PCs it says that on a 10+ do both, but the options are do it and add a team to the pool or don’t do it and take a condition. How can you both do it and not do it?

4 thoughts on “Hey guys I have a a rules question.”

  1. It means that both those statements are true. The targeted PC still makes the choice, and then gets one of the consequences depending on which choice they make (to do it, or to not do it).

    On a 7-9, the provoker chooses only one statement to be true, but the targeted PC still gets the choice. e.g. the provoker chooses “If they do it, add team to the pool.” Then that target chooses if they want to do it or not, with Team being an added incentive in one direction. The provoked PC could still choose to not do it, in which case nothing extra happens.

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