It’s liiiive! But Larp Wellington beat me to the punch.

It’s liiiive! But Larp Wellington beat me to the punch.

It’s liiiive! But Larp Wellington beat me to the punch.

Kickstarter Backers: you should be getting your free pdf by email any moment now.

It’s been a long day at ComicCon and I am bone-tired, so I’ll have more words to write later. For now: Enjoy!

[Edit] Print On Demand option coming Soon ™

26 thoughts on “It’s liiiive! But Larp Wellington beat me to the punch.”

  1. The character sheets are very, very well organized. I’ve never seen a more well-greased slide to SF role-playing. But I notice the .pdf called PreGen Smuggler is actually labelled Drifter.

    Also the sheets have a typo in the OPEN FIRE move: “…cover-tocover firefights,” (cover-to-cover).

  2. Jordan Raymond, Robert Ruthven, could I ask you to check your Drive Thru account to see if you already have Far Beyond Humanity in your Library, please? It should have been sent directly to your associated Backer email, but you possibly didn’t get the notification.

    If not I can re-send it.

  3. Figured out what was wrong. the Free Copy system at Drive Thru is a batch process that’s local to the browser window, and I stupidly closed that window before it had (slowly) churned out all 400+ codes. Wheeee

    Everyone should have their email now I hope oh please.

  4. Sean Gomes Yep, got it! We’re good.

    (It’s a bit odd that you can’t find me, since I’m right after Henning Wollny and right before Herman Duyker on the big list of backers…but I don’t know how I’m showing up on that report. My kickstarter account is linked to my yahoo account which does not reference my name at all, and my user name is something suitably peculiar.)

  5. Robot riding a dinosaur is trivial. This spring I had an intelligent goldfish in a bowl in a man-size mech in a five ton gladiator battlemech, a pixielike warrior from a high-gravity planet where their native nanotech looks like glitter and a cowheaded gunslinger riding a flying cyberpig. Without bending the basic rules… much.

    I’m definitely buying FBH, Uncharted worlds is great and we might be ready to add some “magic” to our universe.

  6. I just became the proud owner of the PDF of FBH and added 21 Jump Points to the mix. I have a date with my local library’s printers and I will have the first 70 pages in B&W to play with soon.

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