So, after uploading the new files like, 3 times?

So, after uploading the new files like, 3 times?

So, after uploading the new files like, 3 times? I just deleted them all and re-uploaded them. Give it a few minutes for DrivethruRPG to get the files on their server and then give it another go. The last time the PDF was like cut in half? Whaaat?

The interface is stupid for updating notes too, I was waiting for the files to upload while I wrote my note and the gateway timed out and it looks like it sent out the unedited version of the note to everyone before I could look it over. Jeez.

You’ll know the files are updated easily by just looking at the first full page illo of the core text, if the picture has more than a head only, it’s updated.

Reference sheets, if there are boxes around the states to indicate which are paired and terms are in caps, you’re fine.

7 thoughts on “So, after uploading the new files like, 3 times?”

  1. In Drivethru I’ve renamed them multiple times to just “First_Printing” and “Second_Printing” but I guess it won’ that? 2P is just the original file names not the ones that should be displayed.

  2. Sorry – to clarify, 4 files in DTRPG, The Veil 2P and 2P Record Sheets, and The Veil FINAL and FINAL Record Sheets. I want the “2P” versions as the corrected/updated files?

  3. Yeah it was an issue with Drivethru that is now resolved. The file names are changed and I suspect the files themselves are newer as well. The ref sheets are, for sure.

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