I have a question about villain conditions.

I have a question about villain conditions.

I have a question about villain conditions. It says that a villain with more conditions marked is more dangerous, but why? It seems counterintuitive that someone who’s one punch away from getting knocked out from the start of the fight is dangerous.

7 thoughts on “I have a question about villain conditions.”

  1. Sounds like a misread. A villain with more conditions available to mark is more dangerous, because they can last longer and make more condition moves.

    Where are you reading this?

  2. It’s a villain character creation thing, I think? I read something like that and had the same initial thinking.

    I can’t find it now. Regardless, what I remember was similar and it was referring to how many conditions the villain has total to mark off during combat. e.g., if conditions = health levels, how many health levels does the villain have available.

  3. Sorry it took forever to get back to this. The language in the book isn’t very clear; it says something like “mark conditions for your villain, and the more they have, the more dangerous they are.” My friend actually helped me figure it out, but thank you all!

  4. I agree with you Lucy, the wording was really unclear. My friends and I didn’t get it for weeks and it didn’t make sense until an hour before our playtest haha.

    But basically yes it’s a wording and assumption issue. Because why would I think my teen heroes are capable of more emotional issues than my villains? And why would I also think a low threat villain is incapable of getting hopeless? Etc?

    I don’t like how initially the game made you think “this game has no HP!” when it does, it has HP tied to conditions tied to emotions tied to penalities. Which is fine! But the language is misleading.

    Still that’s the only (incredibly minor) issue I have with a fantastic game, and wow damn does that condition vs. traditional HP system work like a charm.

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