I just picked up SotI and read it cover to cover in one sitting. After scouring the group, I was able to find a link to the playbooks by Catherine Ramen and Jason Morningstar. I also found a two page ‘one shot handout’ from Jason as well, but there does not seem to be much context around it (probably just my own misunderstanding).
Are there any other resources available? Addition one shots? I did see the Skald playbook by +Luigi Briganti, are there any others?
(also interested)
What new playbooks did you see?
Lex Permann Only the Skald playbook.
Where’s you find the Skald?
Luigi Briganti, where can they find it?
The Skald playbook is right in this group.
plus.google.com – Does someone know of a SKALD playbook ? If so, please, lemme know. I was try…