The setting book stretch goal is done!

The setting book stretch goal is done!

The setting book stretch goal is done!

More details here:

DTRPG link here:

Originally shared by Hamish Cameron

Prepare your datajack for a driveload of global cyberculture, friend.

Remix your mind and your DNA with the transhumanists of Tangaroa. Screen yourself from the UV, the corps, and the nanobots in Aotearoa. Swim through the stifling oppression of law and history in the capital of the European Federation.

Resist the corporate boot crushing the last bastion of North American freedom. Blow over the agri-prison baseline and the voodoo hooks of the Big Easy. Slink out of the lab and into the streets with keen eyes, sharp claws, and a vengeful mind.

Circle with the sharks of the Global Giant of Africa: smell the fire in their spirits and the spirits in the fibres. Dance from terrace to tower in the Paris moonlight, rapier in hand, honour in mind. Take down the fat cats and the dirty dogs with anthropomorphic abandon.

Play in the Caribbean sand or slog through the Florida swamp at the nexus of terrestrial and orbital borders. Fight your way free from the bleeding edge of militarised capitalism at the fractured terminus of a new Korean cold war. Kick against the current in SoCal’s melting pot of simsense dreams, global commerce, and covert water wars.

Twelve new ways to experience The Sprawl. Are you ready for the November Metric?

24 thoughts on “The setting book stretch goal is done!”

  1. Hamish Cameron I’m dying over this once-cat playbook. I just informed my players that all of their characters have been killed and they’re now a team of +adorable kitties. 😉

  2. Brandon Fincher I spent an inordinate amount of time looking at the chapter cover image and listening to tracks from Miami Vice while coming up with the 7 words I added to that chapter cover…

  3. Dana Cameron Will do! At first I was like, “Well, this is just silly.” but after spending some time thinking about it, I can imagine it being a lot of fun and a great way to break of the bipedal grit and grime of our standard game with something a little different. There are definitely some great details in there to get excited about and I know a couple of my players would be into it.

  4. Yeah, Bakeneko is both kinda silly and quite grim – the tone is really player/group dependent. PEWPEW is just stupid gonzo cat meme silliness.

  5. I am asking my NZ player about your long dark cloud section, and since my job requires me to be an expert on Korea, that section I am heading to next!

    These are fun, and I really appreciate the clock triggers laid out in the missions.

  6. Matthew Terry if you like example Clocks, you should definitely keep an eye out for The Mission Files. I’ve tried to show the flexibility of Missions and Clocks in that one. That’s about to go to editing; hoping for an August or September release.

  7. I adore the bakeneko, and am really happy they have been expanded upon in this release. And a full playbook style playbook! From a crazy cat dude, and as someone that grew up in Maine and now lives in Oregon – thank you.

  8. Reading through my newly purchased copy now. I love this game! Running a session on Roll20 next weekend. Looks like I’ve got some new material to work into the setting.

  9. todd estabrook there’s a PoD version coming. Hopefully it will be ready in a couple of weeks.

    The next release will be a book of missions; that’s a more likely venue to include the Downtown Dataheist, but my feeling is that it won’t. The DtDh is formatted so you can print it at home at each sheet has its own function. The forthcoming missions aren’t like that, so the book will be the regular size, which wouldn’t really work for DtDh.

  10. Awwww… thanks Lex Permann and Hamish Cameron! 🙂

    Personnaly, I’m really curious about Kira Magrann’s setting and I love the Lagos setting ( Benjamin K. ), being even one of the lucky playtesters 🙂

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