Looking for one more to join a bi-weekly campaign on Roll 20 running 5pm to 8pm UTC on Tuesdays. The next session will be August 22nd. I’ve run a one-shot of the Downtown Dataheist, then 2 more sessions, and one of the players has dropped out. The team right now consists of a Pusher, a Killer, and a Tech (Med). Here’s a link to the LFG listing on Roll 20.
https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/78807/the-sprawlLooking for one more to join a bi-weekly campaign on Roll 20 running 5pm to 8pm UTC on Tuesdays.
Looking for one more to join a bi-weekly campaign on Roll 20 running 5pm to 8pm UTC on Tuesdays.
I would love to join and am very interested. But due to the time differences, am unable to. Good luck finding someone!
Have you gotten another player for this game? i typically GM but Im interested in trying the player side of things
Not yet, I’m still looking. Have you filled out an application on Roll 20?
Yeah i threw one up there.
Great – sent you a PM in Roll 20.
If you guys are looking for another player, let me know. I’ve been dying to get into a game of Sprawl.
Actually we’ve filled the spot, but if you send me a PM on Roll 20, I’ll put you on the backup list if a spot opens up