Any idea how long before plebs like me can get the HCHC? Looking to run a game soon, but promised players they could be the star and the reformed. Plus I like setting starters.
Any idea how long before plebs like me can get the HCHC?
Any idea how long before plebs like me can get the HCHC?
I second the request. The hunger, it burns…
Well, They’ve said “This Year” Which means December at the latest, plus they’ll probably want it out well before Christmas so it can be given as a gift by people, so that likely moves our end date back to November. I’m pretty sure they didn’t say “This Summer” Which likely rules out all of August as if that were the case “This Summer” would sound better from a marketing perspective than “This Year”.
That leaves September, October, and November as the most likely Months of release. My money is on November personally, as September still seems too soon and almost nothing that isn’t horror related seems to come out in October… Yes I have been thinking about this alot.
not the news i wanted, but does seem reasonable, thanks
To be fair, that post is little more than a guess, so it is very possible I could be wrong. I Just decided to share my own “Rescarch” on the matter in hopes it could bring some positive thoughts, seems I brought the oppisite though. Sorry.
I want it yesterday! This game has been the highlight of my group’s summer.
Your research is great, and appreciated! I’m just sad I missed my chance to back this awesome game and get early copies