50 years ago, the enemies of humanity unleashed a psychic weapon that destroyed all hope for the future. Anticipating the attack and its outcome, a clandestine military project rushed to evacuate Earth. They built secret orbital stations and expanded the hidden Mars base into a functional colony. Their grandchildren – you – grew up dreaming of blue skies and blue seas that no longer exist.
Today, the mission to reclaim Earth begins.
The landfall marine has access to the most powerful weapon system in Apocalypse World, but is caught in a struggle between assimilation and the horrifying and violent mission to reclaim the world for their superiors. Warning: whichever way this plays out, if anybody’s playing a landfall marine, the reclamation mission will be an unignorable central feature of your game.
This is, yes, an update and adaptation of the 1st Ed Space Marine Mammal, except human. I think it worked out well. It brings to the forefront some of the more serious tensions in the playbook, that playing a dolphin didn’t really showcase.
It also includes something new to Apocalypse World, which I find pretty exciting: an MC’s guide to go along with the playbook, with rules, threats, and MC moves for creating the rest of the reclamation mission.
Hey, and all thanks to my very generous Patreon patrons. Without them, this release wouldn’t have been possible. If you dig it, please consider signing up!
I’m such a dummy I didn’t get that’s what the Space Marine Mammal was about. I never gave it a serious-enough read.
Wow. It so much reignited my wish to run season 3 of our Fort Thunder campaign.
I wonder if this would do to AW what the Chosen did to MH? Which is to say, turn a messy, every-which-way situation into a monodirectional quest.
It can, but it won’t necessarily. See the note about pacing in the supplemental? If the MC pushes the pace, there’s a danger. If the MC lets the playbook unfold, I think there’s not much.
Oh man, I enjoyed playing Susan (a space marine mammal) so much.
I’ll admit it. Mind blown.
O M G! <3
Well, this is a trap.
I dearly want to play a Space Marine Mammal, straight and gritty. This is exciting!
Yanni Cooper I loved listening to The Susan and Man Show that was going on for a few sessions.
Federico Totti
Russell Borogove I hear you… I very much miss IPMM … so sad that practically everyone moved away.
Rocco Duchi what?
Federico Totti Sorry, my child messing with my smartphone.
Rocco Duchi np