So I have a bit of an odd request for help.
The situation is kind of like this, in the past session the PC’s managed to find themselves in the middle of a masacre that was ransacked by the wild hunt and they found a faerie hound that immediately bonded with our hunter, to establish this connection more mechanically I wanted to create a costume move that allows the hunter to find or hunt his mark by using the hound as a tracker but I’m stick on the move, and really can’t seem to think on how to make it work, any ideas?
Why wouldn’t this hound be an NPC? Otherwise, if there is no doubt about anything with the hound (loyalty, damage of attack, relationship to PC), it’s almost like the hound is a weapon or magical artifact that could have tags… Which is also an option…
Give them the Wolf’s “Bloodhound” move? (Maybe substitute Blood for Heart if you want to emphasize the connection with the animal.)
What Jason Tocci said – start with Bloodhound and alter it from there.
I had an Aware, who was in touch with a modern Watcher organization. He took Bloodhound through corruption and described it as the Watchers giving him a fancy smartphone that let him search for people on it’s map app.
Thanks for the suggestion Jason Tocci! That’s exactly what I was looking for! Christo Meid the hound will have tags because of attack purposes (2 harm messy) but I felt the need to have a move to use for hunting