Since I have no where to message any of the moderators of the Urban Shadows group which I kinda hope they’re here, I…

Since I have no where to message any of the moderators of the Urban Shadows group which I kinda hope they’re here, I…

Since I have no where to message any of the moderators of the Urban Shadows group which I kinda hope they’re here, I wonder if I could be unbanned from the Urban Shadows community?

20 thoughts on “Since I have no where to message any of the moderators of the Urban Shadows group which I kinda hope they’re here, I…”

  1. Oh Lex Permann​ is there any way to play Monsterhearts so it’s not a messy teen romance but instead is about like wearing armor and clearing out dungeons?

  2. Aaron Griffin That’s not the reason I was banned, it was because I’ve gotten into it with someone on the thread and the moderator decided to ban both of us to keep the peace apparently and now I want to be unbanned.

  3. Dude. You asked an impossible question a lot of people tried valiantly to answer and moved the goalposts every time someone got close, then implied someone was a pedophile for their taste in cartoons. If you’re confused as to why that might merit a ban, I’m sorry, but nobody here can help you with that.

    Aaron Griffin Making sport of Zonilo may be fun for you, but I’m not sure it contributes much to the discussion, y’know? :/

  4. Making fun of someone like petty teenagers in the Monsterhearts community is peak nonsense.

    OP: I don’t know if you’re gonna get unbanned from US. But if you want gothic badasses without personal horror, a la Underworld, look into Fate for hyper competent and customizable heroes, Cortex/Marvel Heroic for easily customized heroes and big action scenes, or even D&D for zero Vampire introspection. Go check them out, it’s all I’ve got.

  5. I could be wrong but it seemed like your comments about the MLP stuff was what the mod banned you for. They specifically mentioned your “discrimination” as the reason.

  6. Colin Spears: I didn’t actually bring up the MLP stuff it was Mike Maher who responded with these personal attacks instead of providing helpful information and I was forced to defend myself and the mods overstepped their bounds by banning both of us to control the situation which I felt it was unfair on their part.

  7. zonilo1 Mike made a harmless sarcastic joke and you started comparing MLP fans to pedophiles. You weren’t “forced” to do anything. I think the Mods were well within their bounds to ban, though I think a warning to cut it out first might have been nice. Either way, this group isn’t that group, so this conversation has no place here.

  8. Colin Spears …..You’re calling this a harmless joke really? It was more of a personal attack so it was far from harmless since “MLP” and such things are often used against people who don’t like the grimdark and edginess of a game pretty much or otherwords they’re saying I”m “not too hardcore, go play a kids game” which is what I’m reading it as which is far from helpful as the thread was originally intended for. It’s the typical “If you don’t like this game then you’re a loser” type response that edgelords tend to have which is unfortunately the same attitude that the current WW team has especially the recent documentary they’re making that is coming out or if it ever comes out as if.

    You don’t seem to realize what bronies actually are, they’re basically bunch of entitled men who feel the need to invade and dominate spaces meant for girls to basically push them out since their little fragile masculinity can’t comprehend or even accept the idea of spaces originally meant other than them pretty much.

    As for the pedophile remarks, well if you think about it, the undertones are also there as well which I was trying to say which makes the whole “brony” thing more disturbing.

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