Carta Galaxia Development Update #4
Hello all. Quick update this time around. Been doing a lot of small, uninteresting things with Carta this past week, so nothing to really “show”, except for this.
New Career: The Rebel
Part of making a heavily urban setting is that it completely invalidated most of the Explorer career, both mechanically and thematically. So I decided to go back to the drawing board and create a new career to replace the Explorer. Introducing The Rebel career (below).
Note that the symbol is not final, I need to do another pass on it.
I invite you all to take a gander, maybe try combining it with your favorite careers/skills and see if you can break anything in un-fun ways.
Rebel Design
I wanted something that fit more clearly in an oppressive, authoritarian, political landscape. At the same time, while I wanted to do away with the “nature/wilderness” aspects of Explorer, I definitely wanted to keep the reckless, brave aspects. The Rebel allowed me to salvage Boldly Go and Recklessness, which are two of the most well-received/popular skills in all of Uncharted Worlds.
The new skills play in areas I hadn’t really touched upon before. Well, ok “Walk Away” is something that could easily be in core UW and I’m kicking myself for not having it. But both “Instigate” and “Safehouse” are skills that are best served in a heavily urban setting like The Core. Personally I’m very happy with the way the career shaped up, I feel it provides some nice tools for creating archetypes.
(On that note, I find myself looking on UW with some… dissatisfaction. I know that Perfect Is The Opposite Of Finished, but man, I’ve learned a lot. There are some skills that just don’t sparkle at all. One day I’ll write Uncharted Worlds, 2nd Edition.)
What’s Next
Next update I’ll be re-introducing the Factions. I’m still working on creating a layout for each faction that provides the correct mix of information vs inspiration (I’m not a fan of info-dumps, they’re too scholarly/clinical.)
I really like the Rebel! I dig those new moves a lot, oh man.
Like wise I really like the rebel and his moves. Although I thought “to boldly go’ was an odd name considering whT the move does.
It was a Skill to encourage/reward going into the unknown, and I liked how the Star Trek quote fit with that philosophy of “to boldly go where no one has gone before” and finding cool/interesting/profitable stuff.
Ah, apologies, I’d only really read page one, I’ve now read its explanation on page 2 and it makes sense
and fits very nicely
I’m surprised you didn’t put in the Rogue One non-quote, “I’m a rebel — I rebel.”
… dammit. You’re absolutely right. I need to find space for that somewhere.
Alan Tsang I cannot believe that they cut that line from the finished film.