Another trick from “The Haunted Case of Eleonore Zugun”!
I wanted the mystery to feel very personal for a print-and-play and I came up with an idea: let the hunters create a history with the mystery just like with other hunters! I wrote a few small hooks in the mystery, like those:
• You were experimented on because of your strange powers. Tell us who did it and what did you do to them.
• You travelled a lot before joining the other hunters. Tell us why and what did it teach you.
• You knew a Romanian monster hunter, Adam Balan, who suddenly disappeared five years ago. Tell us what was the nature of your relation and why weren’t you looking for him.
• You were once working with an Austrian occult goods dealer, Maya Liefnicht. Tell us on what did you cooperate and if she was fair with you.
Each player should choose one hook for his/her hunter. Some of the hooks are directly connected to the mystery (Adam, Maya), others connect the hunter with main themes of the mystery and ensure that (s)he has some opinions on them (travels, experiments). That way the story feels very personal for the team and enriches the hunters by adding new interesting details to their past.
And, btw, generous Keepers can decide that acting on knowledge gained from this hooks works like acting on answers from Read a bad situation