A few questions:
1) Apparatus’ Within Cyberbrain – does that only trigger when the PC is asking the MC questions, or does that also trigger when the MC has to ask the PC questions, aka through Rise?
2) With Improvements, you can only take as much Improvements from a given category as there are tickboxes, right? So Apparatus can only unlock a new playbook move twice?
3) When picking moves from other playbooks, you can’t choose playbooks that rely on the playbook’s signature thing, right? A Dying can’t get Attached’s It Speaks, because the Dying doesn’t have an Object, correct?
4) Can you take moves without checkmarks next to them from other playbooks? Say, can an Apparatus take Honed’s Potential?
5) The Dying’s special – does having hold make your Symptoms not progress, or can the hold only be spent to prevent the Trigger move from happening after using The Gift, or both?
6) Catabolist’s Junkware move creates cybernetic implant as an optional thing to choose. Does that mean if the roll fails or it’s a weak hit, the cybernetic is still incorporated even though it doesn’t get a tag, or what happens? Say, when you try replacing your arm with some cybernetic with Junkware, you roll a 7, can you choose not to use that cybernetic, are you forced to choose the first option on Junkware, or can you try to mitigate bad things by choosing not to get negative tags but still replacing your arm with cybernetic that has no positive tags and so on?
7) If you want to take a cybernetic weapon during character creation, do you need to spend your initial tags for range, etc? We have a character that wanted to get a built-in laser, but the only place that would fit something with Far, +Harm would be their eyeball…
8) Do cybernetic weapons, like Apparatus’ Gear get any default Harm, or do they have to take Harm as a tag in order to do anything?
9) If a Catabolist wants to expand their Junkware Cybernetics, they have to spend one Tag of the new Cybernetic to be Integrated, correct? Otherwise they would be replacing the old part with a new part?
1) Whenever the Birth move is triggered…they get an extra question, it’s just that simple. Who is asking the question is handled in that move.
2)Yep, as many as there are tick boxes. The Apparatus can get 3 from their own and 3 from another playbook.
3)Whatever you want, if it makes sense that the character gain the playbook’s resource that they’re taking the move from, sure. But with so many playbooks I think it is pretty easy to choose other moves where it does not use the playbooks resource.
4)If it makes sense for the player’s character maybe…but that move specifically is an equalizer for the Honed to be able to do and have fictional positioning that other characters have through cybernetics, which they don’t have. Seems like someone trying to power game than take something with fictional positioning that’s actually interesting. Technically though, any move can be taken if it were to make sense. I don’t look at improvements through power gamers, I consider them more fictional positioning for the character only. A lot of times if you consider it in terms of what makes sense for the fiction as established already, you’ll have your answer.
5)Just to suppress Trigger.
6)You’d have to select the first option to even make the cybernetic implant, without a positive tag it wouldn’t be anything at all.
7)Nope, you select the tags then assign the range. So you’d select n harm for each 1 harm the weapon would do, and any other tags you’d want it to have, then you’d assign a range tag. The range tag is assigned after you select the other tags. If you make a handgun cybernetic, you could select n harm twice, and targeting or something for for the laser thing you want. What it is prescribes the range tag, so if it’s meant to have the far tag, that’s fine. But it also means it is only used and effective if something is quite far away as well.
8)No, you have to select harm each time you want something to do 1 harm.
9)Sure, yeah, if it is an upgrade just say they do so and add another tag instead of making a whole new piece of cyberware. Just has to make sense…if they continue to add tons of tags to one piece of cyberware, ask if that makes sense. Something that does 4 harm is like a missile, so if they continue to want to add a harm tag to something they make and it’s like a laser beam, that does not make sense.