Has anyone ever made an Angel Skin? I’ve always loved angels in urban fantasy, and I think there’s a lot rich narrative Monsterhearts space there for impossible expectations projected onto the people around you and the temptation to fall…
Has anyone ever made an Angel Skin?
Has anyone ever made an Angel Skin?
There is an official Angel Skin for first edition, but I don’t think Avery has updated it to 2e.
Oh wait. Did you mean the character Angel from Buffy?
There is indeed an angel skin for 1e that saw play in my very first MH game, but I remember it being kind of unwieldy to play? You could create some very drastic effects with its miracle move, though. Our angel almost sank an oil tanker by creating a storm with it.
I’m officially interested in a conversion of the Angel to the 2nd edition.
Ditto Daniele Di Rubbo .