Patreon Linkfarm!
In addition to my patreon ( and Vincent’s patreon ( , many of you have PbtA-based patreons! Podcasts, play aids, maps, actual play reports, design process, whatever.
Drop a link and an elevator pitch for your patreon below, and thanks!
Mine is linked above, and is where I release “strange little games you can play with anyone.” Sometimes these will eventually get a wider release, sometimes not.
Here’s mine: Kevin Petker is creating strings of words to help you weave new worlds.
I’m new at this thing, but excited. – Kevin Petker is creating strings of words to help you weave new worlds. | Patreon
Here: – Nahual Squad is creating a Tabletop RPG about Nahuales | Patreon
Nahual is a Mexican urban RPG Powered by the Apocalypse. Players are nahuales—animal shapeshifters—that hunt down angels to make a living.
I am starting one in January. It’ll be serialized roleplaying in the form of pbta adventure starters with each issue building on a meta-narrative around uncanny events. It’s called Uncanny Echo. I’ll be designing toward emergent mystery and the players are going to be using the issues to create their own emergent stories from the building blocks of each issue.
At the end of each issue I link to ya’lls patreon and the Gauntlet, where I am playtesting each issue. Afterword I’m planning on compiling all the issues into a POD product most likely (first getting your and Vincent’s permission, of course.)