Hey everyone, here is a couple more for the Tlacuache, I would like to know if they are different enough and if one is obviously more “powerful” than the other one or not:
When you want to fool someone senses to make them do what you want, roll with NAHUALITY. On a hit, they fall for it. On a 7-9, pick one:
• The effect is short.
• The effect is partial.
• Mark stress.
When you transform, roll with NAHUALITY. On a 10+, you get 4 holds. On a 7-9 you get 2. You can spend them at any time to alter other people’s perception, making them see you:
• Like someone in specific (2 holds).
• Like any person in general: an old man, a young lady, etc (1 hold)
• The mirage will stay in their memories (1 holds).
• The mirage won’t affect the persons you picked (1 hold).
• The mirage will extend to electronic devices: video, photos, etc. (1 hold).
On a fail, you still get 1 hold. But if you use it the mirage will have a flaw or deficiency. The Marakame will tell you what.
I’m surprised by the first one in that you create an illusion and they do what you want….. I would expect on a hit they would believe what they see/hear and react accordingly… There are no limits on the first: you could make an illusion of the house being on fire or that they are drowning.
The second one is clear that it’s an illusion on the PC, and is much more limited and yet the constraints make it more evocative.
Christo Meid got you… you’re totally right. What about this:
When you want to fool someone’s senses, roll with NAHUALITY. On a hit, they fall for it and act accordingly. On a 7-9, pick one:
• The effect is short.
• The effect is partial.
• Mark stress.
That works better, although it is still more powerful than the other. If you like, I’ll use it in playtest and we can see!
There you go Christo Meid
I’m OK with one being more powerful, it’s supposed to be the Master Move.