Hey, folks. The listing for the PDF is live on DriveThru RPG. I’m caring for a sick child this morning, but I’ll be emailing out download links to backers this morning, so backers have more permanent access.
Also of note to some, the Companion Deck is up on Drive Thru Cards. Thanks to Jerry Ozbun for bringing to our attention the not-great shipping rates from IPR.
[high five]
Awesome, thank so much for doing that! I know you make less from DTRPG, but I appreciate the option! <3
Jerry Ozbun IPR reps us at cons, so it’s always useful having them have stock, but we want to make sure backers can actually afford to buy them online!
I don’t see the game on DTRPG, just the cards. Anyone have a link?
The books are on IPR. DTRPG takes a larger cut of the proceeds. They put the deck on DTRPG because IPR wanted $18 to ship the deck ground.
It’s still good to have decks with IPR, because they sell them at cons. But we want to make sure people who can’t get to cons can afford to buy the deck too!
I really appreciate it . . . I get to maybe 2 cons a year. 🙁