Does anyone have a Lifestyle move to share? Something like this..
At the start of the session, spend 1-Cred for your lifestyle. If you do it, you got some soyfood and a shelter: describe it. If you can’t or won’t, choose:
– You’re hungry or badly sick. Take 1-harm AP.
– You work a gig for food and shelter. Describe it (prostitution, bodyguarding, drug testing, etc) and Act Under Fire to see how it goes.
I would like to enrich our “downtimes” but in simple ways, and preferrably not fragging up the game’s economy. Thanks!
I always thought it was represented by the “lie low” move. If you do make them spend cred on downtime you might want to inject some sources of payment into the missions.
Matthew Terry if you did this it could be roll +cred spent
Matthew Terry – yeah, definitely wouldn’t want to force them to spend cred in downtime… unless you’re a Fixer, cred is already pretty scarce.
Speaking of the Fixer, though, the Hustling move is currently the only example of a “between missions” move, and it’s probably a good model for the “you work a gig” option. If you assume that the PCs are doing other work during downtime, you could represent that by giving all non-Fixer PCs a cut-down version of that move – choose one of the listed jobs (essentially, they’re the ones doing the work for the Fixer), and on a roll of 10+ they profit, on 6- they get a disaster, and on 7-9 nothing much of interest happens (they pay the bills for another month).
You’d need to tweak things a bit, since the Hustling move favours characters with high Edge, but it might work… especially if there’s no actual Fixer to be bothered by the overlap…
I kicked something like this around for peeps that find themselves credless at the end of a failed mission. (we haven’t played in a while and I never got to put this into play)
So you’re credless… Roll +cool:
6-: Maybe you died penniless, and alone. Maybe you found a higher calling and took that job down at the soup kitchen. Regardless, your suffering is at an end. Don’t bother with the fiction, you’re just another soul swallowed by The Sprawl. Maybe your next character won’t suck so bad
7-9: You get by with a little help from a ‘friend’. Gimme some fiction describing who helped you out when you needed it most and add them as +owned
ORdescribe who you screwed over and add them as +hunted. Gain 1 cred.10+: You score some off the books work! Gimme some fiction describing how you pulled yourself out of the gutter. Gain 1 cred.
Charles Moore, haha that’s great! Consider it stolen.
Matthew Terry, is Cred really that short by default? I’ve played 2 games and in both the group accomplished the mission with “The job pays well” option checked, meaning they ended up with fairly generous purses in both cases. Maybe the Cred draught happens as a result of mission failures?
It was in our games. More like feast or famine. We failed a mission and 2 pcs died in the first 4 missions. When you add the 1 to 2 cred per use of a contact we were hard up.
Vinicius Lessa – it’s common to incur some incidental expenses along the way… bribes, payment for information, acquisition of specialised equipment, or services, etc.
For example, if the mission is to abduct someone, maybe you need to buy a car that you can disguise as a taxi… that’s going to be about 4 cred. If you need to get your fake taxi registered in the dispatch system, a hacker might be able to do the job, but failing that, it might cost a couple of cred to bribe the dispatcher.
Those expenses add up… even if everything else goes well, you’re not going to making huge profits off that mission.
Simon Geard, that makes sense. Thanks. I will play more sessions and see how it rolls out.