Well we did it. Wednesday we sat down for four hours and created characters and put together the skeleton for the world.
Now I have about 8 weeks to dress that Skeleton in some meat and put some clothes on it. Here’s the PowerPoint I put together and projected onto my friends television as we worked through everything. Everyone seemed to like it as they had a reference going through everything. Here’s a link to the PDF with notes on what happened.
(I exported it to PDF since that’s viewable by most anyone, but I will happily share the PPT if anyone wants a copy).
Dude, this is awesome!! I can’t wait to look at this in more depth!!
Wow, this is….incredible!
It was a really fun night. I can’t wait for February so we can start up! Expect lots of questions as I prep things more XD
Oh, and there are some slides in there on some pretty basic concepts like staying “In Character” and Agency. We have a newer player in our group and it never hurts to have a refresher discussion. 🙂
Also, if you see any bad interpretations that my brain came up with that I could improve on, I am open to criticism. 🙂
I have a question. If you looked at this PDF, what did you think about the parameters my group put around the characters changing playbooks (PDF Page 36)? My players wanted a change like that to be really meaningful and not just a free pass to continue acting badly and then change playbooks once the heat is on.
How would it be a free pass?
Free pass was bad wording on my part. My players felt like changing playbooks was not serious enough as written. They preferred the idea of it being a one time thing, a second chance for a character. I was a little hesitant because In usually try to avoid changing the rules of a game until we’ve played it, however I also like listening to my players.
Why I wanted to hear what people think. 🙂
They did want the option to either take over an NPC or create an entirely new character if their original character is removed from play.
I mean, if you and your players want to restrict playbook change to once per campaign, feel free. I can tell you in all my years of playing PBTA games, I’ve never ever seen someone switch playbooks more than once; so this is probably just an academic discussion.
Thank you, I appreciate the input. 🙂
I should mention, my group is new to PBTA games and I have not run them a lot. That’s probably why this might be an unusual thing to more veteran PBTA people.