Jester Minute, the Time Travelling Comedian.
Classmate of the members of dorm Red X at Paragon Academy, with the power to manipulate time.
But only his lifespan’s worth. Still, he tries to hide his fear with laughter. Class Fool and Ananke Shear (The Doomed)’s crush due to his lassais fairer attitude towards his own inevitable demise.
The NPC The Doomed came up with who gained influence over her at the Academy’s impromptu student party.
Cheers. I asked each of my players on the PBP I run to…
Tell me who you met, even if it was in passing and what stood out about them…
Then, Roll+ a Trait. You choose the Trait, but you have to declare which…
10+, You made a positive impression, Choose 2 Positive Results
7 to 9, You did just fine at the party, Choose 1 Positive and one Negative Result
6 or Less, You kind of made a fool of yourself… Choose 1 Positive and one Negative Result and give an NPC of your choosing Influence over you.
Positive Results:
Name an NPC, Who they are and how you gained influence over them
Remove one of your own Conditions
Remove a condition from a member of your Dorm
Name an NPC, Who they are and a Secret you learned about them
Negative Results:
Name an NPC, Who they are and how they gained Influence over you
Gain a condition
Force one of your conditions on another member of the dorm
Name an NPC, Who they are and a Secret they learned about you you didn’t want them to
You got in trouble with the Faculty. Name the NPC that caught you and what you were doing
That’s a good start on a party move. I might cut down the list of options, or make them all positive/all negative and let a certain number get picked/avoided
Well, I only needed them to do it the one time :).
Basically, the players have all been enrolled in ‘Paragon Academy’, an institute for individuals between the mental/physical ages of 13-20… Some willingly, some less willingly. Because of the nature of getting things started, we didn’t answer the team questions at the beginning of the game… So that was what I used In Leiu at the end of their induction day.
I would say since it’s a supernormal school, it would be based off Superior (everyone here is special, are YOU special?) or Mundane (it’s just like a regular party with regular teens, no big thing) depending on how you have conceptualized the school in your game world. Anyway, here’s what I would say:
When You Attend A Rowdy Student Party…
…tell me who you met and what stood out about them. Then roll with +Superior. On 10+ pick two, on 7-9 pick one:
* you gain Influence over the person you met
* you clear a Condition
* you didn’t get in trouble with the faculty
On a miss, the person you met shifts your Labels (GM’s choice) and gains Influence over you.